September 25, 2020

OREA CEO Tim Hudak Statement On Motion 107 Tabled By Guelph MPP And Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner

It is a critical time for government representatives to focus on getting people back to work.

Queen's Park Toronto

"It is a critical time for government representatives to focus on getting people back to work, putting more people on payrolls, and helping make life more affordable.

OREA would like to thank Guelph MPP and the Green Party of Ontario Leader Mike Schreiner for tabling Motion 107 this week, which would see the Government of Ontario implementing and funding a province-wide retrofit program to enhance and improve public sector buildings, homes and businesses in order to stimulate the economy and create jobs as part of Ontario's COVID-19 recovery plan.

Earlier this week, OREA released the Rebuilding Ontario: A Framework for Recovery policy report, containing 15 recommendations to get Ontario’s economy back on track. One of these recommendations is for the Ontario government to introduce a home renovation tax credit to kickstart the economy and create jobs. This includes green or energy efficient renovations that can help Ontarians save money on energy bills.

According to research conducted by Nanos, a majority of Ontarians support (53%) or somewhat support (24%) a home renovation tax credit. As well, close to nine-in-ten Ontarians support (66%) or somewhat support (23%) the provincial government introducing a green renovation tax credit targeted at renovations that would improve the energy efficiency of a home.

I want to thank MPP Schreiner for tabling this motion to help Ontario get right back on track as we recover from COVID-19."

- Tim Hudak, OREA CEO

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