Holiday Closure

The OREA office will close for the holidays at 12 p.m. Tuesday, December 24th.  Normal business hours will resume on Thursday, January 2nd.  Happy Holidays!

Holiday Closure

The OREA office will close for the holidays at 12 p.m. Tuesday, December 24th.  Normal business hours will resume on Thursday, January 2nd.  Happy Holidays!

May 6th - 2008

Construction at OREA

Construction has begun at OREA to add an extension onto our office at 99 Duncan Mill Road.

Construction has begun at OREA to add an extension onto our office at 99 Duncan Mill Road. The expanded building will continue to house the same OREA services, and will include some classroom space. The revamped building will be registering for LEED (Leadership in Environmental Engineering Design) certification, which means we are making a commitment to decreasing building operating costs, waste, and most importantly, our impact on the environment. Visitors to the office will notice parking spots near to the building will be greatly reduced with 20 minute visitors parking and parking for the handicapped strictly enforced. We will keep you informed about the progress and changes that might affect you in the REALTOR® EDGE and on the web site at

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For more information contact

Ontario Real Estate Association

Jean-Adrien Delicano

Senior Manager, Media Relations

416-445-9910 ext. 246

OREA AI Assistant