Holiday Closure

The OREA office will close for the holidays at 12 p.m. Tuesday, December 24th.  Normal business hours will resume on Thursday, January 2nd.  Happy Holidays!

Holiday Closure

The OREA office will close for the holidays at 12 p.m. Tuesday, December 24th.  Normal business hours will resume on Thursday, January 2nd.  Happy Holidays!

January 1st - 2009

The REALTOR® EDGE gets a new look

Welcome to the new look of the REALTOR(r) EDGE. This year as the whole organization looked to refresh OREA's look, we took the opportunity to talk to members to see if there were any changes that they would like to see.

Welcome to the new look of the REALTOR® EDGE. This year as the whole organization looked to refresh OREA’s look, we took the opportunity to talk to members to see if there were any changes that they would like to see.

Our feedback showed some members wanted more market information. In response, we have added a section called On the Markets which will focus on trends and forecasts for Ontario and Canada. We debut our first article this month with comments from a well-respected economist. On the Markets will share space with Wired Office, running in alternate months.

Market information will also be updated regularly at on the MEMBERS ONLY page.

Our focus groups also told us that they don’t always make it to the OREA NEWS section, and so while we still have OREA NEWS, we have given ourselves some flexibility to use the space if we need to, to flesh out feature stories a little more.

Members wanted more examples of how a deal could go wrong so they could avoid the same mistakes, and so our very popular LEGALBEAT will not be changing in content, though it will have a new look. We will, however, regularly run RECO Decisions for more legal feedback.

So, while the content changes are few, the look is very new. We are using an intro format for the features articles to add visual interest. We’ve introduced our new corporate colours and design elements that will make all OREA communications instantly recognizable as OREA materials. And we’ve tried to make the EDGE easily readable. We hope you like it.

Joan Bailey, Editor

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Ontario Real Estate Association

Jean-Adrien Delicano

Senior Manager, Media Relations

416-445-9910 ext. 246

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