Holiday Closure

The OREA office will close for the holidays at 12 p.m. Tuesday, December 24th.  Normal business hours will resume on Thursday, January 2nd.  Happy Holidays!

Holiday Closure

The OREA office will close for the holidays at 12 p.m. Tuesday, December 24th.  Normal business hours will resume on Thursday, January 2nd.  Happy Holidays!

October 23rd - 2014

Market Watch: Employment growth looks brighter for late 2014

A rebound in economic growth recently and expectations for future solid growth bode well for employment prospects, according to a new report.

Now Hiring

Now Hiring

A rebound in economic growth recently and expectations for future solid growth bode well for employment prospects, according to a new report. A report BMO Financial Group reveals hiring intentions of Canadian business owners, and shows a brighter picture for the months ahead. It reveals that service sector job growth has led the way, with the manufacturing industry expected to pick up. As well, large businesses are more likely to expand their workforce than small businesses, the report shows. For details, visit and click on What’s New. 

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Political Affairs Conference in November Hotsheet: Tips to prevent house fires

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Ontario Real Estate Association

Jean-Adrien Delicano

Senior Manager, Media Relations

416-445-9910 ext. 246

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